Happy New Year !!
I am on a shopping spree for a new server for my web site. I hope everything will be finalized by this week. I have been on Yahoo web hosting for the last 3 years or so and it was really easy to maintain. The customer service is great. However, at a cost of USD11.90 per domain account, it is pricey. Well, if I only have one domain, it would have been fine. However, I will be registering more domain soon. Already have additional one, while the third one is on paper already. At USD11.90 per month each, that would be quite a burden to me and not very cost effective.
Three different domain would cost me close to USD36.00 per month. With a virtual dedicated server account, I could have all the bell and whistle for my web sites at a much cheaper price per domain. And I could have virtually unlimited domain parked or active on the server. Another thing is that I could have virtually unlimited sub domain and direct manipulation of domain name server (DNS). Yes, I would have my own DNS, email server and other stuff. It is going to be fun to learn Linux server.
Well, of course the maintenance would be tough but some how, I would learn a lot more. I will announce the domain name very soon. The first not so successful domain get some income from Google Adsense and other affiliate program. I did not make much but it is enough to cover the hosting cost. That is what I want. Cover the cost first, work harder and make profit later. Good huh ?
I will be working on my eCommerce project soon. Actually, it was started but was abandoned mid way due to some technical and financial constrain. Since I will be having my own server, the idea just pop up again. Along the way, I have sorted out the technical constrain to my eCommerce project. I have one or two software products which will be available as download from my web sites soon. And finally after spending almost 2 decades on programming, I will sell a software product. More on this later when I release a beta version.
Everything works as plan and hopefully, this new year will be a good year for me and my family - not to forget my juniors.